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Aug 2016

I Have a 3D printer , ColiDo m2020 and im trying to set it up on mac but can’t get it to work i’ve been working on a solution for days now but nothing seems to work .

i downloaded Repetier Host for mac and FTDI USB Driver v2.3 since i have mac version 10.9 and above

but when i slice the 3D model and try to connect an error shows :

13:59:26: Attempting to connect to printer
13:59:26: Couldn’t open port for device None

im connecting via USB serial cable .

Sd card seem to work fine ! but yea now im pulling my hair off can’t get it to work.

i have Repitier -Host Mac 1.0.1

something else i tried is copying slicer to application support directory

Thanks in Advance !

Please Help!
