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Jan 2018

Hello all,

I am new to this business but I am learning fast. I got my tronxy 802 2 weeks ago and already did a lot of mods to it. In general it’s working fine I have printed a lot of parts but I have a question that i dont seems to find the answer. I am using slic3r for prusa for slicing and pronterface for printing. While my prints come out fine I noticed a weired sound when it starts to print.

It lays down the first layer (i have set low speed) then for the next 2-3 layers it looks like the z is not moving up a lot or maybe at all. It tried to print 2-3 layers on the same height. I see the extruder “going though what has already printed” and the noise I realized it was small cracks from the extruder motor mot being able to push filament (PLA) and cracking (the extruder hed is stuck on previous layers not leaving any space for new filament to go out). I look closer i see the extreuder “remelting” existent layers. Then after 3-4 layers line this it prints fine and gets the job done. This happens for all the prints that I do.

What am I doing wrong ?



  • created

    Jan '18
  • last reply

    Jan '18
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I’m another Noob and I have a similar problem to the extent that the print head actually starts hitting the print after a few layers and eventually throws itself completely out of line. I’ve tried advancing the ‘Z jerk’ and ‘Z Max’ in the Marlin setup. PLEASE NOTE: since updating Windows 10 I can’t get ‘Matter Control’ or ‘R?epetier’ to talk to my printer so I’m restricted to the options on the control board.
Any Ideas?

Forgive me piggy-backing on your question Vlad, I think they’re related.
