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Jan 2016

The first trend report for 2016 came out. A couple of interesting points:

1) While the number of printers continues to climb, the shape of the curve appears to be transitioning from exponential to an ‘S’ curve - are we starting to peak?

2) Order volume - this is missing (IMO). A graph showing the number of orders started, completed and canceled / day would be very interesting.

My own records show suggest that in early 2015, the volume of new orders was ~4000 / day. That has increased to ~ 5000 / day. While good, it certainly isn’t keeping up with the number of printers online.

This would suggest that, if printers want work, there may need to be more advertising / partnering to draw work in.

  • created

    Jan '16
  • last reply

    Jan '16
  • 3


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  • 3


Hey Alex,

Great points, thanks for sharing them!

1) Hard to tell, there’s always a bit of a slowdown around the holidays, we had it last year as well. Now I’ve just checked and Hub growth is back to normal:)

2) This is something we cannot share currently - business reasons. But I’ll look into it if we can share some more info on orders, it’d be indeed interesting.

I can assure you though, we’re doing everything we can to get more orders to our Hubs:-)

Maybe able to show order volume for our area? (maybe a range settable by the hub?)
Would tell us if we have over saturated the area or just need to step up our game to get some of the orders coming to our hubs?

I know at any given time I seen upto 20 hubs in my area (some active some not) so I know I have a lot of competition for that… But would be nice to see volume going for the area so I know either I need to step up my game or if I am doing extremely well vs the volume in the area…

Maybe something like “last months order volume?” “last weeks volume?”

Anything like this?

Hi Dustin,

Great ideas! We’re actually planning to add more such data points to the Hub dashboard, making it easier to see where you are compared to do competition, what you could do to become an even better Hub etc. So stay tuned, we’ll definitely have updates on this in the future:)