
What is the most transparent 3d filament that one can purchase? It looks like t-glass and polycarbonate are very clear. I am not sure which one is more transparent than the other though. I suppose it probably matters who the manufacturer is as well.



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According to the documentation, Taulman tglas is the most transparent. Whats nice, they have very specific instructions on thier site as to how to obtain transparancy.

None is really transparent per se. You can almost get there, if you have a large nozzle hole, such as .6 or .8 mm, and print in vase mode. Coating it with XTC3D helps as well.

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Hi Mike,

I have just got a reel of Colorfabb XT Clear, and the transparency on this is really good, The key is getting the setting right, which I will be doing so over the coming weeks and showing my results on my HUB