We also had issues getting the web interface working on our F400-S. The solution was to assign the printer a static IP address and then modify \sys\config.g on the printer’s SD card with the new network info. Here’s what that section of config.g looks like for my printer:
;*** Adjust the IP address and gateway in the following 2 lines to suit your network
M552 P10.0.40.53 ; IP address (0 = use DHCP)
M554 P10.0.40.1 ; Gateway
M553 P255.255.255.0 ; Netmask
Now, to access the web interface, you need to type your printer’s IP address into your browser. Typing http://fusion3f400/ 4 won’t work.
**edit**: I forgot to mention, sometimes when we power up the printer, the web interface is unavailable. Power cycling the printer again usually fixes the problem.
I saw your reply on my Q&A post by email though I did not see it posted there which is weird, so I thought I would respond here.
After working in IT as a technician, MIS, Consultant, Director of IT, Senior hardware/software engineer for over a decade I’ve found that a lot of corporate networks and IT staff are ill equipped and unmotivated to setup new “Non-IT-centric” devices. Meaning that as this printer is not a server, networking device or other IT system it is likely that there is little experience and motivation available to configure a corporate network for it.
This is just an assumption based on you having an IT guy/department and stating that you are in a small/medium business.
I would doubt that Fusion3 provides full networking support as their business model is in making great printers which produce great prints and not in networking or corporate IT. I would be happy to lend my experience and walk through networking the printer with your IT guy and would waive any consulting fees for the first call.