Hello all,
I am having a difficult time getting smooth top layer prints. I am trying to print various items that have wording on top and my prints are very rough, and the words are almost smeared together. I have attached sample photo of my print and also my current settings that I used. I have a CTC printing using ABS Hatchbox 1.75 filament. I am using slic3r. Any suggestions or tips on how to get a smoother top layer or one that is not rough? Thanks in advance!
print temp for ABS is 230/235 and bed temp 70/80 diameter 1.75
infill 80% infill pattern full honeycomb outershell concentric
first layer at 0,15 mm and the rest on 0,1 mm
Lots ot succes
top solid layer 5/6
Thank you very much, I will give those settings a try right now.
Tried those settings and still having issues with my top layer being very rough. Any other suggestions? Appreciate your help.
As mentioned, I’d drop the temp to 235 or 240 (though some ABS does need higher temps, check the hatchbox recommended temp). Your bed temp looks fine. 3 solid top layers should be enough, especially with high infill, but you could try upping it to 4 or 5 to get better coverage.
Are you telling slic3r what extrusion width to use under the advanced tab? If you let slicer decide it can choose a width that your nozzle can’t really do well (depends on the shape of your nozzle), so I’d try forcing all extrusion to be the same as your nozzle diameter (the top box in the advanced tab will do this).
Another thing you can alter is speed, if you don’t already have a relatively slow speed for solid infill, and especially top solid infill, try slowing that right down.
Failing all this you could try cura, it generally produces nicer prints for me with less fiddling around with settings.
Good luck!
Thank you so much for your help. I will give those settings a try right now. I currently have my extrusion width set to 0. I will reply with an update once I run a test print with these settings and changes. Thank you again for your help
another suggestion is try printing two parts with some separation. This is for cooling a print run
Try slicing with replicator G, it is slower in process, but in the end, it gives me great works with the original settings.
Just change the filamet a bit small to what you have, example: filament 1,75, put 1,73, try diferent speeds printing starting in 40mms to get better finishing in the words, and make shure that you motor parts are clean, it could be durty and not pulling right the filament. you didnt show pictures from the layers, are they allright? from here we could see if the filament is coming uniform…
I don’t see the speed settings on your pictures. Very important. Low speed is better most of the time. CAn you upload a pic with the speed settings so I can advise you if they need to be different?
My apologies, I have attached screen shots of my current speed settings.
Try this, what ever I don’t mention leave it the way it is.
Perimeters: 36
travel :48
If you are using PLA then change your temp to Ext 220 Bed 60
Try that.