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Jun 2015

The June 3D printing trends report is out! This month we’ve asked your customers about their favourite source for 3D models and these are the results:

  1. Thingiverse 56.3%
  2. Google search 17%
  3. Forums (including Talk) 7.1%
  4. Instructables 3.3%
  5. 3D Hubs 3.7%
  6. Tinkercad 1.8%
  7. MyMiniFactory 1.8%
  8. GrabCAD 1.8%

Do these numbers surprise you?

What other content platforms were you expecting to see?

Check out the full report here : 3dhubs.com/trends

  • created

    Jun '15
  • last reply

    Jun '15
  • 4


  • 1.3k


  • 4


I think the explanation here is that this was a “customer” research. My gut feeling is that Youmagine is especially popular amongst Hubs and thus not represented here

Mine aa well. Keep spreading the word! My strategy is to find people looking for help making models, usually on reddit/r/3dprinting make the model for free, then give them the youmagine link