I am printing with Carbon Fiber (20%) reinforced Nylon, and am really enjoying this material. My printer is dead nuts dialed in and I am getting really high resolution parts that are also highly dimensionally accurate. My only problem is the I would really like the adhesion between layers to be better. I usually print with a 5mm brim and when removing prints from the build surface, especially prints with a high contact area to the build plate, the bottom layer is peeling off the print with the brim. Sometimes additional layers also peel off. The bottom layer is usually adhered better to the build plate compared to the next few layers sticking to one another.
I am pretty seasoned with 3D printing but this material is new to me and I am looking for tips that I can try to improve the durability of my prints. Thanks to anyone who can help, much appreciated in advance
Oct '18last reply
Oct '18- 2
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