This cathedral model has been printed before, but not at this scale. Printed on the Solus 3d printer. Those tiny columns in the windows are no thicker than 100 microns.


Awesome Job! Monger

Simply impressive! Thanks for sharing

Wow amazing!

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Wowzer! The quality is really outstanding!


Holy Micro Monger. You sure know how to push the detail to the limit!

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Wow that is the smallest print total I have ever seen online.

what is the layer heigh

Amazing detail! I will Google that printer right now.

Edit: Apparently it is worth 2.229$, definitely not bad for the resolution it offers.

This is so cool. Very impressive; worth giving some love on our Social too;)

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“Priced at $2299 (projector not included)” – the real price will be higher.

how can you say that 2300 is affordable lol

The projector is $699. So the price of the printer with the projector is $3000.

Which filament is this? And was it finished with acetone vapor or is this the finished print?

Wow, amazing, I printed a bigger Cathedral. I think I can put 50 coins under it.

That’s a nicer model you got there. Can you share a download link? I’d like to “tiny-print” that one.

Only 30 micron layers. We can do 25 with this resin. With sharper resins we can even do 15 microns or less, but it’s overkill.

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@ChristinaM Please let me know where I can get that model. Thanks.

Nice work Monger! Amazing detail!!