November 13, 2015, 10:56am
Hi guys,
Just wanted to let you know that I worked on my first Tinkercad tutorial for beginners. Feel free to take a look at it here: Tinkercad 3D Printing Tutorial | 3D Printing Blog | i.materialise and let me know if there is anything that still needs improvement. Thanks!
Easy peasy Thanks for sharing, Ryter!
November 13, 2015, 3:33pm
How far can you get with Tinkercad? What’s the most complex thing you made?
November 18, 2015, 1:20pm
Hi there,
well its true that you cannot do super complex things, but for simple, functional parts Tinkercad still is great. Some i.materialise customers used it for creating parts like a digiscope adapter (scroll down here: The Most Common Misconception About 3D Printing: Why the Entry Barrier to 3D Printing Is Much Lower than Everyone Thinks | 3D Printing Blog | i.materialise ).
when I do this I get as far as the rectangular box with the 2 rounded ends, but when I select each of the 3 shapes and then click group , it does not turn into one object , it’s still the 2 blue rounded ends and the red rectangle in the middle. I do not know how to use tinkercad. I tried other tutorials and couldn’t do those either . Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
I figured out from another tutorial , when selecting objects to form a group hold down the shift key while selecting the objects and then click on group . I think ??