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Dec 2017

Perhaps you’ve heard the names of three-dimensional printers before; 3D printers, with their advent in the technology world, have made a huge difference, nowadays, in all industries and areas of technology, it has many benefits and uses. Three-dimensional printers can be considered to be the next generation of CNC-known devices known to be used in the mechanical engineering, manufacturing and design of parts. No doubt a more modern world with a 3D printer! will have.

3D printers have now advanced in medical science and have even been used to produce artificial prostheses! In addition, 3D mobile printers should be considered as very popular because of their ease of movement. On the other hand, home-built 3D printers have been unveiled for home-use, one of the most interesting uses for shaping foods that children were less likely to receive before. Undoubtedly, it should be acknowledged that the world has changed with a 3D printer!

The 3D printer is one of the emerging technologies that makes it possible to produce any 3D object of any complexity, and this requires only the shape of the design in one of the three rebooters and then With different materials. The first three-pronged printer was developed in 1987 by Chuck Hall, the founder of the tri-lateral system. These printers were the first to be used for rapid prototyping for the first time, and today they are mainly based directly on the components of the product range and the speed of the used cycle.

When, for the first time in the 1980s, Chuck Hall Arman printed three-dimensional objects, many took it as a science fiction story away from reality. But nowadays, with the increasing number of 3D printers, it’s time for these machines to Can make shapes and structures that could never have been possible before. This technology will probably be a new era in the industry, an era in which the company does not need to grow its products, and a vulgar user can also build off the pieces of the plane to his favorite toys. This day technology can bring about dramatic changes in a variety of areas, from sad pharmacy to food industry.

The world has changed with a 3D printer!

Today, a large part of this technology is applied in the field of healthcare. Clear and unobtrusive examples of this type of mosaic include parts such as hearing aids, orthodontic brackets, tooth crowns, leg joints replacement. In the aerospace industry, 3D printing can also reduce jet weight, boost engine productivity, and, more simply, replace the droplet with a larger portion of the current machine. For example, Boeing has built more than 200 different seasons from its ten aircraft using the three future printer. Boeing, Airbus, Rolls, and General Electric have received a great deal of this technology, but the technology has not yet been fully adopted by large scale. Until now, parts that do not defeat a lot of things have invented the F18 from Boeing.

A computer-assembled 3D computer device can spray pharmaceutical materials and produce chemical reactions instead of plastic or metal layers. This process will evolve into custom pharmacies. Researchers at the University of Glasgow used a 3D printer in 2012 to create a wide range of compounds, including those that effectively treat cancer. “In the future, you can buy common chemical compounds, put them on a 3D computer device, which will deliver a prescription drug to you with mixing and filtering,” said one of the researchers at the university, Mark Sims. 3D printers will soon reduce the cost of medication and treatment; however, technology has its own hurricane problems. The same printers may take the attention of the psychedelic retailers one day. Among the well-known vendors of these printers in Iran, the company XPrinter3D 2 noted that its services and dealings in Tehran and other provinces offer the best to customers.

If you are aware of the minimum information you need about 3D printers, you know that filaments are the most important consumables of 3D printers; it should be noted that the filaments themselves consist of a variety of types that can be To the following:


The automotive sector is likely to be looking ahead to the aerospace season. Lick is also a company with experience in 3D based print media. Addicted sister like Flat Powder, has a position in place to offer its products in the aerial and car parts. Many other industries also use the three-dimensional print, which is presented in the following table, as a devotee of today’s applications for commercial applications, with three-in-one printers that are commonly used with incremental technology. The advancement of three-dimensional printers today is as far as the three-dimensional leather-based 3D bio-printing is among other uses of this amazing technology.

Source: http://webtazan.ir 2

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10 months later

Hi, you are really discussing the good concept. 3D printing is an innovative technology that can change the way of printing experience it enables you to make a digital image into real printing. A lot of update in 3D printer has come but now printer offers good results. When you can face error in your printer you can visit Samsung Printer Support 1