So i use a printrbot simple with hatchbox pla, printing at 195c with tape on the bed. the issue im having is that the raft is peeling off the bed. I have check multiple sites on how to resolve this but they keep saying use a raft. so how do i stop the piece from peeling when its there to prevent peeling.
You may need to reshape your raft to make it more square. If it is wide and narrow it will be more prone to peeling. You can also slow down the raft speed or print with the extruder closer to the tape.
Remember that tape is used because it doesnt leave residue, but mainly because of the rough texture. Raise the heat on the hot end to around 205 and lower the head just a tad so the first layer is thin, but not to the point where you can see through it. Also be sure to add glue stick.
That particular printerbot as I recall does not have a heated bed. However you can buy one to install on it. The heated beds on 3D printers helps greatly in keeping the PLA from curling off the bed especially in the corners. If you already have a heated bed than I may suggest putting a special print bed on the top in place of the tape. the tape is good for keeping hold of the print but not the print bed.
My advice… If you’ve got a heated bed… Get rid of the masking tape and print on clean glass or Kapton tape. Ditch the raft unless your printing non flat parts. I print everything on clean glass or kapton depending on the printer deck. No raft, 6mm brim.
if you don’t have a heated bed I suggest getting one, anything larger than about 6"x6" will peel up on blue tape because the bottom cools too fast
if your bed is levelled properly and your z offset is correct you don’t need any secret tricks or voodo to get prints to stick
We print our hatchbox at 207c, and were able to get rid of the raft curling issue, also be sure that you are using blue tape on your bed… And check that you are laying down a proper first layer