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Nov 2015

ProtoPlant successfully kickstarted Proto-pasta brand filament by bringing 3 new 3D Printing materials to market, including World’s First Carbon Fiber PLA. Fulfilling the 500 backer rewards was 6 months of tedious work, during which we continued operating our traditional engineering services business to pay the bills. Over the past 1.5 years, we’ve pushed hard to transition nearly 100% of our business to 3D printing related activities.

This transition has not been without risks and challenges. As a small 3 man team, we’ve carefully allocated resources. It’s pretty special to have had the opportunity to follow our passions while making a notable impact in this still developing space!

We’ve standardized processes while maintaining flexibility in trying new things. We’ve developed resale to far reaches of the world with representation in Argentina, South Africa, and Australia among others. We’ve embraced the maker spirit through continued experimentation. Through this we’ve not sacrificed quality because if you can’t get good prints with our filament, what’s the point?

Besides creating unique filaments, our biggest differentiator is the equipment we use to do this. Proto-pasta is extruded on ProtoPlant designed and purpose-built extrusion systems. Our machinery is custom made from the control software to diameter measurement, haul-off, and spooling. Can any other filament manufacturer claim this?

We continue to improve and build more machinery while expanding our facility to meet your demand! We promise to keep pushing the limits in creating new and interesting materials for your FFF style 3D printer! Thanks kindly for your support!!!

Finally, stay tuned for an upcoming podcast with Proto-pasta founders Dustin and Aaron Cram recalling their journey over the last 2 years.

For more information visit www.proto-pasta.com/blogs/news

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    Nov '15
  • last reply

    Nov '15
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