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Dec 2015

This is the most epic Santa Sleigh I have ever seen, with over 80 separate parts in the model. I wish I could say it was my design but it isn’t, it was designed by Richard Swika (ricswika on Trinpy). The parts are incredibly detailed and no paint was used, see below for details.

Santas sleigh 2 ricswika.jpg

Santas sleigh 6 ricswika.jpg

This sleigh will get you from New York to Adelaide in no time flat! The model has a detailed V8 engine, powertrain components, front end ski, sleigh, stand and Santa himself. Richard says he designed all parts from scratch to ensure a successful 3D print and ease of assembly. You can download the files and print your own here 6, if you hurry you might get it done before Xmas!

Santas sleigh 3 ricswika.jpg

Print settings

Print with various infills from 5-20% and some supports are required, all the parts are glued together easily. All the parts were printed in the colours you see here, no painting was done, Richard has organised the parts into coloured batches to make it easier to print. He has also included the Simplify3D files as that was the slicing program he used and includes the supports required etc. I hope you enjoy the print as much as I did!

Santas sleigh 4 ricswika.jpg

Santas sleigh 5 ricswika.jpg

  • created

    Dec '15
  • last reply

    Dec '15
  • 7


  • 3.0k


  • 3


Oh my!

I so need one of these for next year! Will the designer be releasing the stl’s to the public or keeping it private?

I would sign a NDA to get my hands on that for personal and family use… <3

Just added a first cut animation so you can see the whole assembly being put together (at the bottom of the post). Have a great Christmas everybody!