A few items I learned after our @3DRacers Gathering:
1. Cross-pollination fuels pride
2. Shared elements within an online marketplace with offline communities can be very powerful
3. 3D Hubs can build consumer loyalty and trust
3D Hubs San Francisco had their first cross-pollinated event this past weekend. We celebrated a fellow Hub in Milan, Italy who successfully completed their Indiegogo campaign. CHEERS to 3D Racers! Not to be mistaken by @3dracer twitter handle. If you do make that mistake (like I did) @3dracer will let you know. 
For the event, 3D Racers sent us 2 already assembled cars. One is guided by an Android app that I later gave to Kevin’s Hub @Kevinkevin (who printed out his own 3D Racer in SF). The other guided by a beta remote controller, now on its way to Austin, TX at SXSW. We chatted 3D printed toys over champagne overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge.
This simple and seamless cross pollination celebration has fueled my mantra of thinking globally, while acting locally. Naturally resulting in pride for your work and community.
The ability and freedom to have a direct relationship with the manufacture and designer through 3D Hubs builds consumer loyalty and trust. These shared elements are key to a sustaining future.
Okay, so I’m rambling. I guess what I’m trying to say is…3D Hubs is a tool we all can use to test out that idea. 3D Racers has proved that this method can work.
So, let’s end with tipping our hat and sending another round of Congratulations to 3DRacers!
Thanks for a hosting a super day Kayla!
Woo! Excited to do some racing at SWSW now 
Yay! So bummed I’ll be missing y’all at sxsw. Have a blast. Post photos of you all! Make us jealous