My response time really matters to me, and I like to try to respond to my customers in the time that they’re still online after they submit an order or leave a comment (so, usually in the following few minutes). I’ve come to rely on text message notifications, since their notification usually comes through more reliably than email notifications for me, especially when I’m out of the house and have turned off data.
However, it’s become extremely annoying to me that I don’t get any past 10PM or before 8PM, so that any orders submitted overnight don’t get through to text until the next morning. I understand that the idea behind this is to make sure the notifications don’t bother me when I could potentially be sleeping, but my notifications can’t wake me and I’d rather be awakened by an order request than respond to it 6 hours late anyways. Could it be possible to make this an option, and allow me me and other hubs to opt out if we wish?
Of course, I’d understand if this is done for a technical or financial reason (If your infrastructure doesn’t support sending texts past 10PM or costs extra to do so), but if it’s done purely for the idea of not disturbing sleep I’d really like it changed.
On a second note, for the same reasons, would it be possible to have an option to send messages for new comments on orders? This isn’t as important to me as messages for new orders, but if it’s possible I’d still like to see it implemented.
-Karl Zhao
Mar '16last reply
Apr '16- 2
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