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Nov 2017

Hello guys and ladies,

I’m a total 3D Printing n00b, without having a 3D printer yet. So I hope you’ll still kind to me after reading the topic title ? I’d love to start printing as soon as possible, but I really need some advice from you guys…

When you browse trough all of the forums and discussions, you’ll end up with a lot (massive amount) of brands, kinds, models, comparisons and of course opinions. This instead of youtube where the CR-10(s) and Tevo Tornado are being tested, unboxed, compared, disliked etc. a lot…

I heard of the Prusa way earlier, but don’t know if and how they are comparible in any way.

any opinion about Prusa genuine or Clone? Or something completely different maybe?

thank you all in advance for thinkng with me!

  • created

    Nov '17
  • last reply

    Nov '17
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Genuine Prusa is hard to beat. Go with a kit if you feel up to it. You’ll save some cash and it is a good learning experience but also can be frustrating but that is ok!! It can be done.

There is a lot of support from the Prusa forums to facebook.

Now, you can get the MK2s probably pretty quick or wait just a bit longer and get the new MK3. If you go for the MK3 then get it ordered now so you can get on the list.

Prusa sells his printers as a kit or assembled

then there are all the clones etc and they come in kit form as far i know… but the quality of parts and support can be very “shitty” as most comes from china in one form or another and the only thing the chinaman is interested in is selling, as soon thing is out his door he does not give a crap

CR10… the small wheels it uses to ride on the frame are very crappy and will soon fall apart, there has been enough reports on that. the bed on the CR10 is not flat either and people find the need to install a probe instead of having a flat bed

So why choose Prusa… simple because its quality… it of course cost more, but price an quality will always be best friends :smiley:

the mk3 in kit form will save you a bit of cash, but then you have to assemble it… same goes for the mk2

Thanks for replying wirlybird :slight_smile:

I’m not really understanding what you mean with

“Go with a kit if you feel up to it. You’ll save some cash and it is a good learning experience but also can be frustrating but that is ok!! It can be done”

Do you mean by “Go with a kit if you feel up to it” - instead of a genuine Prusa? Or also the Prusa ‘KIT’ ? There’s also a Prusa kit, isn’t it?

My eye fell on the Prusa i3 MK3 also, but I can’t (read: want to!) wait that long :smiley:

What’s the main reason for you personally to choose the Prusa instead of the CR-10 / Tevo Tornado? I hope you’ll give me some answer :slight_smile:

Yes, go with the Prusa kit and save some bucks. The build is good experience of all the parts and what it takes to get a printer going and calibrated correctly.

I already have printers so I reached a point where I wanted to build one. After a lot of research the real Prusa is what seemed the best option for me.

A lot of research and development has gone into it. But a big thing is it isn’t just the printer. Prusa has a version of Slic3r they are modifying and tuning along with setups already added they have tested.

They also do their own drivers and firmware.

So, it makes it a pretty complete package.

Personally I have not been disappointed. I’ll be adding a MK3 probably later next year.

Hi @Hielkio I’d second @wirlybird’s recommendation for the Prusa, I’ve had a Mk2 for a year now printing virtually every day and it’s a good reliable machine. Proof of that is how few posts you’ll find here troubleshooting problems with the Prusa. My only problems have been those associated with 3D printing in general and which affect many machines, the greatest of which is probably bed adhesion - either not sticking enough or prints welding themselves to the bed. For the bed adhesion, I’m very interested in the Mk3’s removal, bendy, magnetic bed, IF it works as well as promised, it could make life a lot easier.

Kit or pre-built? I bought my Mk2 pre-built, but recently upgraded to the Mk2S which requires pretty much stripping the machine down almost to its component parts (slight exaggeration), that experience has suggested to me that the kit is probably not that difficult to build, and if you got the kit you could spend the spare cash on the multi-material upgrade, or some spare beds, more filament, etc. I’d really like to fit the MMU to my Prusa, not so much to print in dual colour but to enable printing with soluble supports.

The CR-10 is an interesting machine, it’s had some great reviews and if I had money sloshing around I’d almost certainly get one to expand the farm, but as a choice between the Prusa and the CR-10, I’d go Prusa every time.

The Tevo I really don’t know.


Tevo - stay away, there’s evidence of some shady business practices see https://all3dp.com/3d-printing-community-angry-tevo/ 221. Allegations of bribery and such.

Prusa - great printer, a bit pricey considering whats out there for the same price range. Open source which means you can upgrade, repair, and modify the printer very easily.

CR 10 - only worth it if you plan on doing large prints. Not open source, tedious to repair/upgrade/modify.