
I recently made a 25mmx25mmx25mm test cube and ran it. I am get a major defect in the front of the cube and cannot for the life of me figure out what might be causing it.

My machine is a Wanhoa i3 Duplicator

Yellow ABS

Temp of head is 230c

Temp of bed is 100c

20% in fill at

100 micron

2.6 top and bottom layers

2.6 thick

no raft

BTW I included pictures of the back and front of the cubes also the cube on the right was done before I cleaned my nozzle inside and out.

Honestly I couldn’t tell you exactly what the cause of this is. However, from my experience it’s the ABS. you simply cannot print ABS well without an enclosure for retaining heat. The plastic will warp itself from any temperature fluctuations. I love ABS and I’ve gotten very used to printing it on a powerspec 3d pro. But I wouldn’t even try it on my duplicator i3 plus. try PETG if you’re looking for a stronger plastic than PLA. Otherwise stick to PLA and PLA variants. If you’re getting the same results with PLA then I would see what else could be the cause but until then I’d say its the plastic.

Go search on simplify3d’s site or google for their trouble shooting guide. This looks like on of the issues they cover. You don’t have to use their software but it is a good guide with pics to help determine the problems.


looks like you have a combination of heat and loose belts. Drop increments of 5 degrees and reprint. Look to tightening screw on pulleys and possibly belt.

The “elephant foot” is usually caused by the bed being too hot. The fact that it’s only on one side and you have it at 100C(which is kind of high) makes me wonder if your bed is heating evenly. You might have hot spots away from the sensor which would explain the uneven warping and the need to have it set so high.