Finally I found how to fit a 3D printer in a suitcase!!
After building my first prusa style 3D printer, moving it around and travelling with it was almost impossible.
I started designing TeeBot 3D printer with simple quality materials easy to find materials, making it foldable and not compromising the print quality. After a months of design, testing and prototyping , TeeBot is ready.
Learning from user’s of the earlier larger model “TeeBotMax 7” and the reprap, community new changes have been implemented.
The result is a simple, foldable 3D printer that produce quality 3D prints (0.1mm layer height up to 0.4)mm and prints right in the box. I hope you like the design and enjoy building and using one as much as I do!!
Emmanuel A Adetutu
TeeBot will be launching soon!! DIY kits and plans will soon be made available.
Another Emmanuel designed his Foldarap a couple of years ago and I have one - I left it in Vietnam after folding it up and taking it there. I think a portable printer is a really good idea, and the way yours prints right there in the box is really nice! I’m in the market for taking printers to schools and showing them off so this could definitely be something for me, especially now that I don’t have a foldable printer anymore! Why are you printing 500 Marvins btw?
Thanks, a rough estimate shows a cost btw 350 Euros to 500 Euros, doing a kickstarter to have the kits available will be launched soon as documentation is finished. link here 1
Foldarap is great by Emmanuel Gilloz, Good you are in the market for a new one, will also be doing a kickstater soon as documentation is ok. link here 1 (…hence the 500 Marvins ), on the other hand looking at now printed 300 Marvins…I might just keep them all Its like an army invasion!!.
Heeey! Nice work! Finally in the movies the bad guys instead of having tons of cash will have 3D printers in their suitcases! This is has so much potential in movies guys
I’ve been using the TeeBotMax for some day now. Good quality and very light-weight.
You new boxed-version gets 3D-print so much more accesible: you’re making the Third Industrial Revolution happen!.
The project is live on kickstarter and already making News !! . The suitcase is available as DIY kit or fully assembled. You will also find a blog post on the 500 3D printed Marvin here.
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