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78 / 168
Sep 2018

So your complaint is that they weren’t smart enough in depriving the hubs of any future income from customers they had through 3d hubs?

Unethical? Are you serious?

Unethical is to build your entire business on the backs of the hubs and them kick them out when you think you can do better without them.
I could agree a hub was unethical if they were trying to move customers out of 3d hubs 2 years ago, but certainly not now. No one in their right mind is thinking if it’s correct to take customers from 3d hubs when there’s a knife stuck in their backs.

Plenty has been said, but I just want to add my voice to those saying this is wrong. WE made you, and now you just kick us out. How can you do this? How has there not been any response from the 3DHubs team here?

Wow, and you took away our ability to contact our customers? So we have no way to continue our business relationships with those people who found us through 3DHubs? That is really messed up.

While we allowed 3D Hubs to operate for its first several years, there have been several announcements that they would be working toward a business-to-business model. They just didn’t state clearly until now what impact that would have. I am not surprised they are eliminating as many contact methods as possible; it means they can continue business as normal without contacting customers, so the customers don’t know anything has changed, which is helpful for 3D Hubs.

I agree that it is a little underhanded and I have asked them for transparency on how things will happen moving forward and asked for a time where our Hubs stay active but unable to take orders so that we can answer any questions, but they have of course not responded. Makes me a little disappointed that I spend hours working on their knowledge base with no reimbursement.

I doubt they are monitoring these threads as they have no reason to do so.