Hi guys, I’ve been helping a student for his jury and I’m short of Flex filament so i cannot finish the last parts that she needs in colors. If any of you have some time to offer, some experience in flex filament and a compatible 3d printer, feel free to offer help, that’s also an opportunity to connect and stay in touch for future help :slight_smile:

The parts will need support but aint so big, around 20 cubic cm.

Anxiously waiting for help!


We have red ninjaflex filament with associated printer availbale at our lab.

You can either stop by this sunday afternoon or order a print.

We are located in Louvain la neuve (2 rue Zenobe gramme)

Régis Lomba


Hi there, just wanted to thank you for your reaction. Unfortunately it was for tomorrow, I found some white FLEX at http://www.techswap.be/ and could finish the parts. Seems that my help call was not so successfull… Maybe nobody uses Flex :slight_smile:

You are so good , congratulation .