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Aug 2018

a bit off topic, but how could improve stringing?

i have a mendel90 but its fitted with a titan extruder from e3d (no clones here) and a full e3dv6 with silicone sock

i use slic3r PE and only changes are start and stop gcode along with the retract lenght and speed (4.5 and 60)

i know it’s a lot but it was the only way i could get a string free benchy and marvin

those 2 test prints come out fine and so does single wall cubes that i use to test extrusion multiplier

i know that the high retract lenght might be the cause of thin cylinders come out “crooked” and brittle, but i cant figure out the right combo of settings

  • created

    Aug '18
  • last reply

    Aug '18
  • 9


  • 1.5k


  • 5


Stringing is often caused by too high a nozzle temperature (and/or retraction settings). 4.5mm retraction is really quite a lot (mine are typically never higher than 2mm), so I’d look at reducing nozzle temp.

yeah i knew it was something with temp that could do it

i guess i forgot the rule that even the best thermistor is subject to manifactoring tolerances

what test object do you use for dialing in the temp? just a random retract test?

I use all sorts of odd models I’ve got lying around on my drive, but mostly I use a 20mm cylinder with a notch cut at one point on the top face. This shape works well for testing retraction, wipe, coasting, etc. and with the notch and Simplify3Ds toolhead preview you can see exactly where a perimeter stops/starts and whether blobs are at the start or end of the loop.

I’ll admit, I do have trouble keeping these settings dialled in. I test and test and get to a point where it seems perfect (or near as I can), then the next time I print with that filament it seems not quite right.

Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know that I’ve moved these last few comments to a new Topic just to keep everything a bit cleaner. Best of luck with your stringing issue! Settings can be a bit of a moving target in my experience…

Maddie - 3D Hubs

just wanted to report back that Canola oil sorted my issues

i printed one of those filament filters and put a bit of an kitchen sponge inside and gave it 4 drops of Canola oil and viola… no stringinging and prints come out better. no layer issues and prints stay strong