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Dec 2016

I would second this. Biocompatible materials are still mostly relegated to high end industrial machines, but the Formlabs Dental SG resin is probably the most accessible and available bio compatible material for consumer printing. If you contact a Hub with a Form2 printer, they might be willing to special order that resin for you (if they do not already have it), but it is pretty expensive stuff comparably. Best of luck!

It is a resin I only stock for special orders because of that price tag. But from what I’ve seen of it, it prints beautifully and works exactly as it is designed to.

12 days later

We’re currently working with both ABS and PETG for a blood-contacting device that will be sterilized prior to packaging. So, we’re needing both sterilizability and hemocompatibility. Depending on your final application, you may want to look at PETG, it’s compatible with both gamma irradiation and EtO (ethylene oxide) sterilization methods. If you need to go with autoclaving, then you may want to look at nylon as it can handle the higher temperature.

Going forward in my project, autoclave seems like one essential requirement… I will definitely look at the possibility to manufacture using Nylon.

Thank you for the input

We decided t go with Autoclave. That forces us to look into Nylon or other material than can handle autoclave temperature.

It’s not a problem, I know that PA2200 can be used in making medical cutting guides, but if you are looking for a material that is implantable you would have to run tests and studies.