When I try to print the filiment will not extrude.
the stepper motor is just pulsating.
i removed the stepper and hooked it up to the Y axis and it functioned correctly.
Then back to the extruder plug and it just twitches back and forth.
I have wanhao i3 please help.
September 3, 2015, 4:50am
Your extruder is probably jammed. You could try to unload the filament and should try help the stepper when its pulsating backwards also. If the filament breakes or you are not able to pull it back, you could disassemble the extruder.
Based on you description this is most likely coming from the stepper motor driver. On the stepper motor driver there is a little screw like thingy turn this clockwise to increase the current sent to the motor and counter clockwise to decrease it !!!Important!!! if you have a ceramic screw driver the tweaking can be down while the printer is plugged in and running if you don’t you’ll need to turn it off.
Alternatively it can also be the stepper driver that did overheat and burn out and require being changed. If the tweaking of the little screw don’t help than you probably need to change it.
Finally the direct drive extruder like the one you have tend to request a bit more from the motor to push the filament this is why the stepper might fail if it wasn’t setup exactly right.
I hope that help, best of luck getting your printer fixed.
it is a problem with the connections of the motor perhaps is only a cable
Have you checked / replace the cabling ?
I had same issue on Y axis. It was linked to micro failure in the cable and the pulse sequence was disrupted ending with back and forth on the motor (because the digital wave is not correctly presented to the stepper).
In my case, that was happening only when crossing a specific position and then, the stepper was totaly out of sync.
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September 4, 2015, 1:20pm
Try the cables from the other stepper motor to test whether your extruder stepper cables are broken or not. On mine wanhao replicator they used cheap cables with high iron content not suitable to be bent constantly. I had to replace them.
I have this same problem exactly as you describe. What did your do to resolve? I am going to look for the adjustment screw that someone mentioned below.
Tonight my printer developed the same problem after I smelt something burnt. I suspect my motor driver has broken. Have you solved your issue?