Hi there !
I’ll split my comment into parts so that it’s easier to understand.
Ultimaker is a good brand to start, also concider Lulzbot TAZ (5 or mini) if you like to tinker on the printer. Makerbot 5th is not worth the price, since the release of this printer Makerbot was not able to produce their “Smart extruder” without clogging. That means that you can make one or two prints on average before there is filament that gets stuck in the extruder. You would have to send the extruder back and wait for replacement. I don’t know if they yet fixed that, take a look at these videos for reviews on the 3 mentioned printers https://www.youtube.com/user/wtfbbqgaming/videos
Cube Pro has proprietary filament cardridges, right ? Then you’ll regret buying this printer because you can only use very few different materials and they are very expensive.
I use a leapfrog Creatr HS because of the all metal frame, fast printspeed, build volume and standalone feature. You have to take a look at the printers features to decide which is the best. Stuff like a webcam on the Makerbot 5th is nice but not a requirement especially not if you just want to start.
There is a list from 3dHubs in which they rated nearly every printer made in 2014 just google that. I would look for the following features on a printer:
-heated bed to at least 90°C
-nozzle temperature to minimum 270°C (exotic filaments need this temperature, polycarbonate even needs 300+°C)
-different nozzle sizes and dual extrusion (supportmaterial, larger nozzles for faster prints)
-durable design, build to last for years not months
I use a Windows 7 PC with Simplify3d. Mac works aswell for most printers but just in case ask a support if you are not sure. There are free slicer softwares like Cura if you want to save some money but i have to say that S3d (Simplify3d) has very detailed settings and at one point you can not perfect your prints when only having access to few settings. Makerbot has proprietary software so there are less people that you could ask for help etc.
You really have to decide carefully if you want standalone or not. It could happen that your computer has an update or shuts down for any other reason, also you have two devices that have to run the whole time.
Placement of the printer:
I would go for standalone all the time, meaning garage or any hobbyroom. the Creatr HS is too loud for a bedroom and i guess the other printers aswell, but you could build a box around the printer with audio-limiting foam on the inside, just like a sound studio. This box also keeps the temperature at the printer so that you could operate it in a cold garage.
Cheapest would be noname ABS from amazon but this is obviously low quality and can have inconsistent filament diameters which leads to bad prints.
Best brand for PLA is Colorfabb they also have something that is similar to ABS but doesn’t have that much warping, called XT.
When you creat a Hub you get 10%-25% discount on Colorfabb orders.
When you want to go for nylon then buy taulman3d.com filament, these are made with tight tolerances and good documentations.
I use industry purpose software called AutoCAD, because my father owns an construction buisness. You get many programms from Autodesk if you have a student or pupil pass. Beside that they also have Autodesk 123D which is free for everyone, i’d recommend starting with that. If you want other programms then google is your friend. Also check out youmagine.com and thingiverse.com these are platforms to share files for 3d printing. Common projects like holders for filament spools, modifications for your printer and very much other stuff is there.
Learning about 3d Printers:
Colorfabb and 3dHubs organize many meetings around the world also you can post problems in forums like this or maybe visit a local hub and talk with him/her. Youtube is also a good choise if you look for comparison or information about a specific printer.
This guy has a blog in which he allready compared may printers http://nicklievendag.com/
Purchase filament:
Taulman Nylon => amazon.com
PLA and XT => colorfabb.com (no discount when purchased elsewhere)
ABS or exotic => amazon.com or printers brand
Adivse: get your hands on test size filament like 5-10 meters colorfabb.com has sample packs and many resellers of taulman and other brands will sell you smaller sizes. Allways be carefull before printing and check the data sheets. PVA for example can get burned in the printer when printed just a very little bit too hot.
Purchase printer:
directly from the brands website, it’s easiest for support requests, replacement etc. (just in case)
if you need more help or specific advises contact me.