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134 / 180
Mar 2016

At least i am honest i did not make all 3 of them, made 1 of them and altered the others to fit bottles to be part of my whisky collection…

Hi everyone,

This is my R2-D2 which was designed from scratch and printed off on my Da Vinci AiO printer at 100 microns. I do apologies for such a late entry and fully accept that I may have no chance of winning, but after spending days and days modelling the fantastic R2-D2 I thought I would enter the competition to show my creation. ​

It was printed in 7 parts, then assembled. The body was glued, with the head, while the legs were connected with joints, allowing it to pivot. All of these files are attached to this comment and may be scaled up to an appropriate size.

After reading a few of the comments I have come across a few complains highlighting that this competition requires a 3D printer in order to win another. I fully understand what many have said, but I would like to say that you may use the 3D hubs service. For future projects that anyone has I would be delighted to offer my assistance with my hub GIFT3D.

I hope that you all enjoy my project

To all over participants, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.
R2-D2 Back.stl (319 KB)
R2-D2 Head.stl (412 KB)
R2-D2 Joint.stl (6.14 KB)
R2-D2 LeftLeg.stl (164 KB)
R2-D2 Front.stl (730 KB)
R2-D2 RightLeg.stl (164 KB)