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Jan 2016

Last week I was possessed with a desire to push my printer to its limits and try printing objects at their maximum possible scale within my printer’s bounds. Naturally, Marvin seemed a good place to start. Printed in stainless steel PLA and finished with sandpaper followed by a polishing wheel. In the photos you can see before/after shots, which show the effect of polishing.

Any other ideas about what to print big?

  • created

    Jan '16
  • last reply

    Jan '16
  • 11


  • 1.0k


  • 10


This is great! Proto-Pasta even reposted it on instagram! Good work!

It looks amazing. Did you need supports with it?

I would suggest if you do this again to get a higher resolution model of Marvin.

You can see the geometric break down. If you would like I can try and get one. Let me know

Very cool, I can’t wait to get my next printer so I can play with different filament.

Nice clean-up! Sometimes I find using the little metal filer set (you can find them at Home Depot etc.) work wonders in cleaning hard to reach areas for PLA. Maybe try printing something with a pattern or unsmooth texture and see how that resolution is?


Looks great!!

How long did the print job take for that size?

I have a roll of 500g stainless sitting around hmm I think I might give it a shot !