Trying to build my own rotary Switch.
But due to the size im having problem with the Locating the switch in 1/8 positions

I have a design, clicks for a ridge at 1/8 positions.
but to locate the switch so it sits in them!!
Most switches seem to use a ball and spring but i dont seem to have the space.
So i was wondering about using Ninja Flex, never worked with it before (and going to have to wait a bit longer due to Postal and i guess printers on Holidays)

The STL file is my attempt to make a System, then how to attach it to the ARM, did think maybe forcing it down the ARMs Post, so having the Ninja Flex have a small hole so it just fits over (post being 7mm so make the hole 6.5mm, hopfully making it a bit more grip and not slip.
Arm_v7_Spring_v2_BIG.stl (794 KB)

What printer are you using @Angel_LaHash? By tagging the thread accordingly, you’ll automatically notify all the printers owners, which should increase your chances in getting a helpful answer. Hope this helps.

I dont expect a reply for a long while yet due to the holidays.
But also i dont own a 3D printer, I guess my only option really is to go to a HackSpace and talk to them.

Ive had some great Prints already, and when i can find were i put down the circuit board, ill have to see if i can put the through holes in it :frowning: (might need to get that printed all in one really)

But this is my only real problem at the moment, the ARM moving around to locate its position on the Switch.
Clicks 8mm.stl (200 KB)