Hi everyone! We’re having a busy spring in Lansing! I wanted to share some events that’ll help your inner maker blossom! (Can you tell its been a long winter?) Up first, on Monday the 27th we are having our next meetup with John Oly from +SeeMeCNC as our guest presenter. We’re going to hear about the Rostock and Orion delta printers, the new Eris prototype, and his experience with crowdfunding. Plus we are raffling off some Coex3D filament and some B3 Innovations swag. https://www.3dhubs.com/lansing/events/april-3d-printing-meetup-lansing
At the East Lansing Public Library we are inviting community members to join us and help us build a /SeeMeCNC Rostock Max kit. If you’ve never built a printer or are curious about delta based 3D printers stop by the Maker Studios! It’s Tuesday from 4 til 6 PM starting in May. http://www.elpl.org/events/elpl-20-maker-studio-event-how-build-3d-printer
Also starting in May at the ELPL Maker Studios is 3D Scanning and Design Wednesdays where we’ll be teaching the fundamentals of 3D scanning from 4 til 5 PM and CAD and 3D design from 5 til 6 PM. http://www.elpl.org/events/elpl-20-maker-studio-event-3d-scanning-and-design-wednesdays
Let’s make something great!
Hey Joe, thanks for sharing all the upcoming Lansing events! Sure Monday is going to be a great evening!