I am dialing in a new printer. QIDI X-ONE. The test cube is getting spotty layers on the sides. I think it is under extrusion but so far it is not going away.

This is PLA at 200. 1 shell, no top/bottom no infill.

Not the greatest pics!


OK, is this divets at the corners, which would be underextrsion, or something else, like retraction, or are the corners to thick, which could be overextrusion, or again, retraction.

Ideally, you should print 100% infill cubes as your first test in tuning. This will better show if the issue is over/underextrusion. You dont have too print it very high, a 10mm or 5 mm cube should show the issues.

Post pics from there.

But, to try to be helpful, if it is divets, which “spotty” would imply, and its at the corners, its usually a sign that you are retracting too much plastic back into your extruder at the end of a run, and perhaps too soon.

Underextrusion usually shows in some other ways, such as too thin walls and poor layer adhesion on a hallow cube.

Greetings Perry. I am going to delete this post because I have replaced the extruder so I am starting over! I will probably be back on this one if it doesn’t fall into line.

I have another similar one with - yes - a red cube. I better get color coordinated.

Trying to set up a new printer on one and get new brand of ABS in line on another.