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Oct 2015


I have been printing for a while now and everything used to go well but sometimes the prints just look awful…

as you can see in the picture, the layers don’t vertically match up good, my friend who has the same printer never had one of these issues.

What could this be? Could the nozzle be worn out or too flat?

I tried a lot in speed settings and also in the marlin itself which didn’t improve it.

Please, your advice is highly appreciated!

  • created

    Oct '15
  • last reply

    Oct '15
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  • 3


@BasdeBeer Could you show us the Marvin you have printed with it? I’ll make a post with the settings I have used and let’s see if you can replicate it.

So the first question is : Which version of Cura are you using? Is it 14.2? The latest version of it has a bug where it interprets your filament diameter as 3mm instead of 1.75

It could also be a hardware issue: for example check if the belts are tight enough.