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Nov 2015

Hey everyone in Boston,

So you may have seen some of the post’s in “How to Hub” about some of the issues people have been having with the new changes. Not posting this to bring those issues up again but during it I posted about how it would be good to get info on the hubs around you and how they are doing. One of the founders of 3D Hubs thought it was a good idea too and said they might start working on offering something like this to hubs.

In the mean time I thought maybe a post in /Boston wouldn’t be a bad idea.

So how about it Boston? Hows your Hub been doing?

I’ll start off:

Well I use to bring in probably 2-3 orders a week and maybe another 1-2 messages. Since the start of August I have gotten 8 orders; 4 in August, 2 in September and 2 in October. 2 of the August ones were a repeat customer who just had to add a few more files though.

I was curious how other Hubs in the area compared? I don’t think its that bad of numbers but compared to the 7 orders in July its been a bit slow.

Also I was curious what filament types were popular among your orders? I currently only have ABS but am working towards a second machine to offer new materials and was curious how much that might help.



Unfortunately I haven’t gotten an order in almost 2 months. I honestly don’t know what caused this complete lack of orders, before I was averaging an order a week.

I guess adding onto that I’m using ABS filament in either black or white.

I’m still a Newbie and since the summer have only gotten two orders. One for Tango Black on my Objet and ABS Black for my UPrint.

My orders have dropped off too. I used to get 3-4 orders per month. Now only 1. I think the ordering process has gotten more confusing. Even previous customers can’t find me. I offer ABS ans PLA in several colors and also some exotics such as bamboofill and stainless. Also white and clear formlabs resins.

I always try to emphasize the need to not rely on Hubs to get you orders. They are a great confidence tool for dealing with strangers/customers but everyone should be out in their local area educating their community about their service.

As for filament, PLA and its exotic mixes like bronzefill have been popular. I’m trying to promote the recycled ABS I’ve been making as the first US “Recycle Hub” in the pilot program. I haven’t recycled any PLA yet.

I get that, and its what I do as far as income from 3D printing goes. Probably 95% of the money I make, somewhere around $400 a month, from printing is from eBay and other forums. Most of this though is from selling my personal designs.

What I rely on 3D hubs for is to bring in custom jobs and new people interested in 3D printing that I can help. I personally don’t have time to go out and find business like this. Not when I work 40 hours a week and spend most my free time trying to keep up with eBay orders and developing my own designs and business.

Good to hear that PLA is popular. I figured it was. I just ordered my second Zortrax that I am going to modify to print PLA and other materials. As for the recycled stuff, don’t you still have to mix it with like 80% new pellets? Doesn’t really seem worth it.

This is sad to read because I was thinking of picking up a Form 2 when they launched hoping it might stir up some more business having a well known and brand new SLA to off. Might have to rethink that :confused:

I’ve found that less than 10% virgin ABS pellets are needed to recycle old 3D prints/fails/scraps/etc. Talk Manufacturing | Hubs

Are your ebay sales of your designs a lot of paintball stuff? I’d love to pick your brain in reference to the success you seem to be having. I assume they are not primarily local customers on that end.

Hmm, interesting. I thought I remember reading somewhere it was a lot higher percentage than that.

And ya, paintball is my main market right now. And yep, I’ve shipped all over the country so far. Most of it right now to states that are a bit warmer at the moment and have more active/larger paintball communities. Feel free to shoot me an email and we can talk about it.


It’s a tricky machine. you have to be very meticulous about the trays, which you have to change every 3/4 liter at most as the quality degrades. With a new tray the parts come out very nice, but replacing trays that often it adds up quickly.

Ya, I’ve already created a spreadsheet that calculates the cost of material, the build tray, and things like wear and electricity for the Form2 and my Zortrax. Its a lot more expensive to operate but when I divide the cost of the tray among 2L worth of printing its not to bad.

You can check it out here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B05hPYYQYNqidk9LbHY3ck12UkU

I really want to buy one but my current printing business would not at all be improved by the Form 2 since the cost, print time, and materials are not viable. Its a tough call.

Also noticing a sharp decline for orders since the beginning of August. Specifically, the number of orders from new customers has dropped considerably, only repeat orders coming in.

Ya, I feel like the new layout they have implemented has made it too complex for new users to comfortably navigate. They claim that sales are still going up but I haven’t found anyone yet who has seen a sales increase or even the same sales since August.

How do you like the Zortrax? I’ve heard great things about it. do you have the dual extruder heads? I like the printrbot, but I should have sprung for the dual heads as I am finding it limits me now. With our Dimension, the dissolvable support is great for parts with complex geometry.

I love the machine. Just actually bought my second one this week. I have never had a print fail short of running out of material or the model being bad (too much overhang or something) and that’s only happened once or twice.

Only limitation right now is slightly limited material selection but with a few mods its easily fixed.

The M200 doesn’t have a duel extruder. I think they claimed it would in the future but I’m not holding my breath. Its still great even without it. They are releasing a new printer soon, the Inventure, that is specially built to be used with dissolvable filament and has a heated chamber. Basically going to take on the Mojo at about half the cost.

I would recommend it to anyone who’s looking for a machine to turn profit on. It takes me maybe 5 minutes from loading the .stl to starting the print. No taping the bed, no fine tweaking the slicer. Once the prints done you just scrape it off and ready for the next one. I’ve dealt with other printers before and they are fun but when it comes to getting work done nothing beats this.