I was under the impression that “rejecting” an order because it was better suited for a different technology had no impact on your rankings but who knows at this point. I do this a lot too, and haven’t seen a negative impact in my rankings when I check by uploading a part and poking around.
Do these links still show up if a repeat customer comes to an FDM hub to place an order?
@PepCo_Parker Thanks for agreeing with me. However, I was not saying to not point out the downsides. Just do so in an informative and positive way. For example, with Resin, rather than say “extensive exposure to UV light” which (besides being nonsensical) sounds bad, when it really isn’t. How about “HQ Resin is made with light. Long term exposure to UV light is not good for the part. This can be mitigated by painting the object in cases where extended exposure to UV light or sunlight (for those that dont know) is expected.”
SLS Nylon instead of Cavities within design, go with “Modelers should design holes where cavities occur, so nylon can escape those cavities during the process” More informative, less negative. Much better than a big red minus sign.
Full Color Sandstone instead of “intricate features” say “Sandstone is less smooth, and small intricate features could be lost during the FULL COLOR process” emphasizing that hey, you are going to get full color!!
I cant find the one that said Longer Lead times. But what if it said HQ printing takes longer than lower resolution printing, and requires more human interaction during the printing phase, so HQ printing has longer lead times.
All more informative, none of which degrades that material or FDM.
Finally, as for the tolerances, that was sold to us as a means of lowering the expectations for customers, who may be unaware of just how FDM works. They say they were getting a lot of complaints. Rather than listen to suggestions, they just threw that out there. It could certainly be worded as "Tolerances on less expensive, fast printers are not as close as tolerances on higher quality printing methods. We guarantee prints will not have tolerances beyond +/- 1% or 1mm.
This is the kind of input they ignored.
You would be amazed at the number of folks that ask about that. I have my own reasons for why it is there, but suffice it to say I cut that boat on my large CNC machine.
Good for me @Filemon, although I’ll need to stoke up on coffee…
No, you are incorrect. Referring to a different hub, at this time, does indeed hurt your ranking. It affects your ratio of of archived orders to completed orders, an important ranking. See below…
This is more of my voice of the customer diatribe. If they asked US how to increase HQ prints, we could have told them to let US push orders directly to a partnering hub, wiithout hurting our rankings.
Instead they went negative…
I can’t find the actual posting here on talk, because searching talk can be a tough thing for me. But I think it was the same post where the 3dhubs person said they have to check with programmers to find out why a hub is ranked a certain way above or below another hub, that they could not tell how it was done.
You can view the statistics on the BETA rankings in your hub dashboard. I rank way above on reviews, response time, and every other metric than the top 10% of all hubs. I rank below on that metric, even though I probably helped them!
Ah, ok thanks for the info. I did not know that, but I suppose it doesn’t matter much anyway seeing as I’m not going to print orders better suited for someone else anyway. Definitely not a good way to foster improved print quality though.