Hi All,

Ok Here are a couple pics of a gear. The red one is Hatchbox ABS and the Pink one is PLA.

You can see on the ABS print that the edges of the teeth look like a mouse chewed them while the PLA one is near perfect.

ABS at 230, 3000mm/min. S3D, FlashForge Creator Pro with Micro-Swiss all metal hot ends.

I have been having this issue with this printer and ABS since switching to the MS hot ends where the corners of prints look pitted.

Running a Benchy print now to see how that does.


Please let us know what you fins with Benchy.

The Benchy did ok. Not perfect but passable. I need to figure out why I am getting these rough edges like this. I am running the same print on another printer with stock MK10 setup to see how that does compared to the Micro-Swiss set up.

The problem here is that the perimeters are curling up as you print. There are a number of options available:

  • Rotate the part so that the overhang goes the other way (stops being an overhang)
  • Print perimeters first, or use a single perimeter
  • Use low part cooling (10% fan speed works well for my printers)
  • Use an enclosure to keep the internal temperature up around 35-40 degrees

The last two are what I do on my ABS prints, it works well.

Another option is to use PETG, which doesn’t have the same warping problem as ABS, and is quite tough. It’s a bit more flexible than ABS. For your application I’d use PETG.

Thanks, I have PETG and it is not an option for these prints. The PETG prints pretty good with the Micro-Swiss so far. I am working on dialing in ABS.


Rotating the part is really not an option since the other side is completely curved and would require numerous supports and the surface would suffer. Good option in other cases though.

If I do perimeters first the issue will be worse since the first perimeter will have nothing to hold to do to the overhang!

My printer is pretty much on-off for the fan but using it has actually helped I think. Printing with the right side and the fan on the left is not so much of a direct cooling and it seems to have responded favorably.

FlashForge Printer and it is enclosed. This I think has help with the use of the cooling fan since the ambient is so high the fan only has minimal effect since it is moving hot air…

Another thing I did was reduced the extrusion multiplier. I found that what worked for the stock (extrusion multiplier ABS default of 1) set up seems to be way to much now. I have dropped to .89 and I think I am gaining on the problem. Also slowed a bit which is painful when the print is 13 hours to start with!

I appreciate all the good suggestions.

Just for giggles, try printing with one perimeter and 0% infill. Compare the prints. You’ll be surprised ?

Good to see that you’re making progress.