This is the best way to get started in 3D printing.
You will not find better as a showcase.
This is the best way to get started in 3D printing.
You will not find better as a showcase.
My idea is to start with 3dhub as source of first works and then build my own website, dedicated mostly to jewelry with dedicated services. On 3dHubs the resin printers adoption is low, i think for high resin and printers prices, and because this printers are dedicated for specific works.
This statement completely confuses me, please clarity?
The materials are most of the time more expensive, but the reasoning is casting and burn out for the jewelry process. Additionally the ROI is greater accordingly. You can get 30 parts printed on FDM, if they are direct use parts, in a lower quality for $30.00 plus shipping. But those parts are not castable into fine jewelry pieces.
Do a simple experiment, design a piece for any other market and one for jewelry, have a 3dhub print it in FDM and Resin, compare pricing and castability. You will see the results first hand the the choice will stand clear.
I will post pictures at The_Jewelers_Bench on Instagram by noon with the same parts printed on FDM and SLA machines and you can see the print quality for yourself.
3D printing very Resin works well.
I have lots of resin printing order .
The investment of a resin printer is good
Bests regards
I had a Form1+ on here for 6 months and I think I got 3x as many orders for my extrusion machine. It didn’t justify keeping it even though I really loved it.
From what i see 3dhub community is more oriented on fdm extrusion printing
We have a DLP printer and a castable resin. The Z resolution is 25 micron. Build size is set at 160 mm x 100 mm, which gives X resolution about 160/1920=0.083 mm (83 micron), and Y resolution of 93 micron. We can print a few parts for you to help you evaluate the quality of small details. You can also look at the pictures in our hub as well.
Is the Solus as good as the pictures on the Reify website?
I am looking into buying, but I see some DLP prints with rather rough surfaces. That seems to be absent with the solus. Now I have had years of tinkering with FDM printers, and I hate it, I just need the prints. So I am torn between Form2 and something with a finer resolution, but I really want these smooth surfaces. Thanks, Maarten