September 9, 2016, 6:16pm
ok I have two ctc dual rep printers , one is running fine , other I’ve had issues , I changed pulley on the X axis , I counted 16 . I was told it was supposed to be 20 , so put the 20 on , and the printer was juddering at side of printer , my prints were coming out the wrong size , I also installed sailfish , I have put the 16 back on now , changed the driver to the motor , put new cables on to motor , changed the limit switch and cable , now my prints are smooth but about 3-5 mm smaller than they are on the other printer , the other printer is totally standard , no sailfish or any other parts , any ideas
September 9, 2016, 7:01pm
Ok also , I have just done couple prints , using sd card , then more off the rep g program using sd card , the first we’re all wrong size , and the ones using rep were all ok apart from two , this is now I’m sure a software issue , how do I resolve this , I have ten sd cards with all my files on them , normally I print straight from the cards , now I have one printer on sailfish and one standard , should do sailfish on other and redo all my prints or do I just have to print off laptop all time now , I’m confused lol
Can you show images? If there is something wrong in the Software it should always print to small. But you said it is not everytime the case. Do you hear the stepper is losing steps? Is maybe one drivebelt to stiff? Or the cabling to the stepper driver defect?
Both pulleys should have the same count.