Looking for comments on the 3DWox for middle school use - looks like reviews are good - I’m somewhat concerned about the availability of filament. Any school users out there with good or bad experiences?
Bump here. So I’ve been using a 3DWox and the quality of prints has been great - incredible resolution, fantastic reliability too (I’ve had to work hard to get it to fail). Disadvantages for schools: it can be really slow, and there’s a fairly low print area. So you it could take a month of printing to do an entire class’ designs. But filament is a toss-up. I’ve had some users say you can load your own filament, then ignore the “low filament” warning, but when I tried that it wouldn’t let me continue. They’re advertising that they’ll have a reloadable cart coming out “soon” (“this year”) but goodness knows when.
Did you ever get any further information on this? The cartridges are definitely reloadable now - you can buy the filament for about $29 vs $49 for a cartridge. That said, I wanted to print with colors that Sindoh doesn’t provide, so I’d be interested in trying some 3rd party filament if it’ll fit. Have you tried any yet?
I haven’t, but it should work - the slicing software does have a pretty good amount of settings customizability. Might have to tweak your settings a bit, that’s all.
There are compatible Sindoh 3DWOX refills for more colors than standard refills, such as cool white, natural, silver, fire engine red, peak green, light blue and orange.