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May 2017

Firstly I noted Stephens post regarding rafts not sticking and may have to go that route as recommended by FF. I have the Flash forge creator pro and use Simplify 3D .My problem is that I found the underside of my prints are terrible and unacceptable due to the way that Simplify builds the part if using support. The underside /support side appears to have the first layer after the support as infill. I am considering using Flash Print software but don’t know if that will solve the problem. No one seems to have complained about this issue yet it is not good or acceptable for a finished part to have a raggey bottom side.

Any comments appreciated

  • created

    May '17
  • last reply

    May '17
  • 4


  • 1.8k


  • 3


HI @theaquain this certainly isn’t a fault in the S3D software itself, depending upon the area being supported, the first layer after supports will either be bridging or a bottom layer (followed by however many bottom layers you’ve specified). What settings are you using for dense layers (percentage and how many) and how many vertical separation layers (top) are you using? What’s your setting for “unsupported area threshold” and is the supported area larger than this?

Large supported areas always leave a rough surface in FDM if you’re using the same material for support as for the model - it’s impossible to get a perfectly smooth surface laid down onto a support structure without also making it impossible to remove that support structure.

There are a few options that affect this. The main ones being your support infill percentage, usage of dense support layers, seperation from part and how many bottom layers you have set for your part.

Could you post a couple of pictures and your settings, I’m sure people will reply with whether or not your results are similar to thiers then.



Thanks Matt. I will look into your suggestions and adjust my settings. It seems I still have some trial runs to do. The part I am testing is quite small… 1 X .5 X .2 inches and will post a picture when I can get a good shot of it.

Thanks for your suggestions. Have been off air for a few days and will post results as soon as I have done some more testing.
