Im using an Ultimaker 2 Extended, Simplify 3D and PLA at 220c
The issue Im having trouble with is speed, I got the print speed to slow down like I want, and also to lay a first layer down slowly but after the first layer it speeds up to 100% and then slows down again towards the top? I have attached a photo from my simplify 3D Preview page, and if you look at the color chart regarding speed you can see what i mean. ( the bottom layer is dark blue for the slowest speed, but ONLY 1 layer.) How can i get it to continue this slower print speed?
Do you want the speed to change within the print ?
To change the first layer speed, you can go to the layer settings and dial in a percentage of the normal speed, that is used for the first layer.
To get the speed change (as you have it) the feature called “minimal layer time” is used. It will slow down each layer customly to make the printer take at least seconds to complete each layer.
General speed settings for infill / solid infill / outlines / support can be dialed in at the “other” tab in the advanced settings.
As the layers at the bottom are very large the printer can print them at higher speeds while taking the minimal layer time. Smaller layers, like seen above need slower speeds to come out properly. I’d advise you to slow down the maximum speed to get the first layers printed slower.
I hope this is, what you’re looking for, if you need further advises please feel free to contact me.
Other Tab / Default Printing Speed / Insert desired speed
Attention: printing speeds are in mm/min not in mm/s has in CURA. So, if your speed references are CURA, you must multiply for 60 to have the speed in mm/min.
Edit Process Settings:
Cooling Tab / in the right column i will see “Speeds Overrides”/ Disable - " Adjust printing speed for layers below … "
This way your printing speeds will not change from the begining to the end.