Hey Thierry, my company does this exact sort of replacement part service if you’re interested. www.artlab3Dprinting.com With that said, I recommend looking into fusion 360 to possible do the design yourself. Doing it yourself will be the most cost effective solution but will take more time.
Can you have a separate piece designed that would take up that gap. It could be sanded and painted with a chrome color paint. You wouldn’t need any thread on the plastic part.
Hi there,
thanks for your feedback. Incorporating Jeff’s feedback, we could design a simple square piece that would be extending the existing part. I would have to do a junction between the 2 parts. I imagine I could tape the inside where the 2 parts join and seal it so no water is linking inside the mechanism…
I am a little time-poor right now… How much would it cost to design and then print (in a water-resistant material) roughly 50 x 50mm, 30mm deep?
I’ll have another part to make for another tapware (yes, both taps were stuffed up!!), slightly more complicated… but I need to get pictures…