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Feb 2016

Since I begin my internship at 3D Hubs I always wanted to learn how to use sculpting software like Z-Brush.

Lucky I was to have a great sculptor working just next to me.

After spending a few bucks in a Wacom tablet and being teached the Basics, I decided to give it a try on a simple model.

I think the choice of the model is quite important when learning a software. I need something that really motivate me and that I want to finish, print and enjoy.

So for my first Z-Brush experiment I decided to go for a character from a Cartoon (allow more flexibility) that I really enjoy : Rick and Mortyyyyy… [Burp]… biiiitch !

I decided to model the Giant Cromulon Head, that keep on saying “SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOOOT”. And I did show what I got.

All the Rick and Morty fans in the office were pretty hyped by the project, which makes me even more motivated to do a good job.

I was pretty happy with the result, and thanks to the magic of 3D printing, I could make it real ! I cutted it quickly with NetFabb Basic, sliced it with craftware and just launched the print on the CraftBot+ before leaving.

Aaaand this is what I found in the morning ! I love the feeling of a successful overnight print soo much ! (The Post-it note was added by somebody before I came in)


So it was printed in Woodfill with 20% infill, 200°C, heated bed off, 60mm/sec.

Result is not perfect but I don’t care it’s Schwifty as Hell !!

I was so happy with the result that I decided to print another (smaller) one in one part and in BronzeFill from @ColorFabb and then tumble it to make it shiny ! Still printed with the CraftBot+ with regular PLA setting (Fan off). Infill is 50% to make it heavier !

Model available on Cults3D 6 !




  • created

    Feb '16
  • last reply

    Feb '16
  • 15


  • 4.1k


  • 12


Nice one! Hope to finish a mr. meeseeks or Birdman to accompany them at the office.

nice work! You could send in you print for our ‘print of the day’ section, http://printoftheday.colorfabb.com/ 1

How’s the craftbot liking our filament? we haven’t got one in our lab, but since it’s a 1.75mm direct drive I imagine it should work pretty reliable, right?

I was amazed at the speed you were able to create this one Victor! Incredible work for a first practice sculpt in ZBrush!

Hey ColorFabb, I will :wink:

I was quite amazed at how the CraftBot handle your special filaments (Tried Woodffill, Bronzefill and Glow in The Dark so far).

Never had a jam or a bad print. I think a stainless steel nozzle would be necessary if we want to print more of these though :wink:

So so so cool! What a nice design and what a nice print! Well done! Thanks for sharing it!!