I’m a small record label looking to do some merchandising for our next release showcasing, as it were, the idea of 3D printing. I want to alter a standard object in Maya, print it out, customise it physically then scan it and print the altered object out. The trouble I’m having is no-one seems to have a scanner that will do the job. Any ideas
Hey @anaxaton6, scanning shouldn’t be that hard to find. In which city are you based? I can send over few options that are closer to your location. Let me know.
Got one on my xmas list now! I’d also wanted one, so will see if t’other half allows… We could try with 123D Catch, though it would involve some experimenting, as I’ve not mastered that yet. Looks like fairly decent things are possible - Search Thingiverse - Thingiverse 1
It’s not possible at the moment to search for hubs that provide scanning services, so in the mean time I use this search: site:www.3dhubs.com “scanning”. Hope this helps
Hope that Santa is seeing this And yes, 123D catch is definitely worth palying with. Make sure to share your results with us, it would be quite interesting to see how far you can go with it.
Autodesk123 has a phone app that lets you use your phone’s camera to take pictures of the item to get scanned. Be prepared to take about 40 pictures, but it will work. Give it a try! http://www.123dapp.com/catch 1
Just wondering if you can scan reflective objects like a chrome hood ornament? I’m curious what your cost is for scanning something in the range of 6 inches cubed (roughly the size of my hood ornament)? I was also wondering if you have any sample scans of objects to see the detail which you mention your scanner can pick up. The detail you state sounds like the creaform handyscan 700 series.