Does anyone have any photos to share of your sand blasted PLA parts? Any tips and tricks to share? Thank you!
Quelqu’un a des photos à partager de vos pièces en PLA sablé? Avez-vous des conseils à partager? Merci!
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This one calls for @bgreenslade
Hey there. I sand blast Acetone-smoothed ABS parts from time to time. It gives a lovely silky texture and, so long as you’re careful with the Acetone, you needn’t lose any detail. Far as PLA’s concerned, I’ve yet to try it but I imagine it wouldn’t completely remove striations for prints above 150 micron layer height. As I say, it can give great results but the dust gets everywhere so you need to find somewhere well away from your printer to do it. And make sure you wear a respirator and eye protection! Cheers! AndyL
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