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Nov 2017

Hello All,

I have an issue with slicing software. I am using the CTC Bizer dual printer with a glass bed.

When I print with ReplicaterG the item sticks to the bed perfectly fine. However im trying to improve my prints and thought I would try makerware desktop. The same filament, same heat settings & same model yet every time I print with MW desktop it don’t stick. It doesn’t even get around the second shell before it pulls the entire print up and around the nozzle.

Any ideas on why?

Thanks you in advance.

I think that slicing problem you are facing is due to a “leaky” model. It could be often corrected merely by operation of your STL file through a fixer program like netfab.

Thank you for the reply but it isn’t a leaky model issue. I have tried MW Desktop with models I have successfully printed with ReplicaterG and models downloaded from thingiverse (Corner brackets for glass bed). That file failed with MW but worked with ReplicaterG.

After levelling the bed try turning all 4 nuts on the bottom of the bed half a turn. Might be a problem with mw starting printing too high just make sure the nozzle is not scratching the bed while printing. MW isn’t the best slicer anyway, I would recommend that you use slic3r or simplify 3D. If u don’t wanna spend $100 on simplify 3D u probably could get it free off pirate Bay.

Thank you,

I have given up on MW and brought S3D last weekend but have still yet to print anything successfully. Levelled the bed with a feeder gauge, 0.10mm perfectly everywhere. I have even tried to move the gauge under the nozzle while it is printing and it does go under with no scratching, so I know the nozzle isn’t touching the bed. I tried your half turn trick just now with no luck.

New nozzle installed, new extruder installed and I can’t get a successful print from any software. Seems my brand new nozzle is now blocked (the clicking noise from the extruder). I am on the verge of smashing this what is now a very expensive ornament and forgetting I even heard the words 3D printing.

In S3D there is a bed levelling tool. For this you need to plug it into your computer and run the tool. For me I had to raise the bed quite a bit. If it gets to the point where the bed won’t go any higher try taking off the fan and unscrewing the tiny grub screw to lower the nozzle a little (the screw is a tiny Allen key/hex key that came with the printer)

Thank you. I have, since posting printed 2 things and the 3rd is printing. I stripped down the nozzle, came up with a great way to unblock them, removed the extruder and cleaned that out as that was also blocked.

My first print was with replicaterG as I know that worked before. Got a result so printed the same file using S3D and wow, even just how the machine moves you can tell the difference. Not only did it print from S3D but the results was very noticeably better. Now im printing the same file from S3D but on fine res.

The grub screw is a pain to get to, to adjust the nozzle height. In fact I lost my temper with having to remove the fan every time last week and modified the heat sink to allow access to the grub without removing anything. Ill share this in another post.

Anyway found my enthusiasm for it again :slight_smile: