I’m pretty new to 3D printing only a few months now. I have a Monoprice makerselect I’ve made good prints with PLA and PETG. Problems I’ve had before I was able to figure out whether it was bed leveling or something else. After making some parts out of pla. I switched to PETG for other parts and had trouble with warping which seemed strange with PETG. Now trying to print with pla, the bed level set by the book the first layers are rough. They only seen rough on the first layers under the infill the walls seen smooth. The layers ar rough enough the extruder seems to rub roughly against it.
Hey Rhaass,
I havn’t had the Monoprice for that long, but with my other printers there are some quick checks to see if that is the issue. First I would try printing with a different brand or spool of PLA. Depending on how long it has been since you have printed with PLA, some moisture could have gotten in the plastic. If not that, I would mess with your temp settings in intervals of 5 degrees. If that doesnt work, I would check your flow settings. There is a chance that your flow is to high and is pushing to much plastic and that causes the roughness. You can also try lubing your axis, sometimes when you first get the printer the lube is already dried or used up. Last I would check your nozzle. Switching between materials can be hard on your nozzle. Please let me know if any of this helped.
Thanks for the advice I’ll try drying the filament. There seemed to be no change with 90% flow and, I had used temps from 200-215 without any change. I should have mentioned I have a Micro Swiss hot end, and their aluminum extruder drive. Here are some pictures to help, the completed print was done with Cura stock setting just the temp changed to 210 and the layer height at .2.