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Oct 2017

Hi Everyone,

Could anyone kindly advise me on how to go about this problem?

My prints, lately, have been coming out with a rough base after removing the raft from the print.

Is there something I am doing wrong or not done?

Anyone please?

See attached picture

Hi there,

This generally happens when the first layer is too far from the raft. If your slicer allows you to adjust this, I would recommend lowering it to around .14-.18mm. It might be called “air gap,” if that helps you find the setting.

I hope this helps!


Maddie - 3D Hubs

If you are using slic3r, the bottom half of the support material page has options for interface layers and the important one “contact Z distance”. Not sure what the setting is in Cura.

Note. it is advisable to keep this as a multiple of your minimum layer height exactly to avoid any stepper hold from causing problems. So generally 0.15 or 0.175 (assuming a 25 micron minimum layer height) should give you a smoothish surface.)

Note: You can generally use a smaller contact gap with ABS than you can with PLA as it isn’t quite as “sticky” and will still remove well.

Depending on your printer/print surface, there is also the option of not using a raft and printing directly on glass/tape


I use Simplify3D actually. Currently trying to locate the settings you suggested in the software.


Got it.

Currently printing to see if this works.
