I’m having some issues trying to Print PVA with PLA in my dual extruder Creator Pro. I’ve attached a screenshot of my speed and retraction settings as well as temps. I’m using a black masking tape on the print bed, because that’s the only tape I have that the PVA will stick to. It won’t stick to the factory bed.
Anyways. Let me know what you think. My issue is that this setting works perfectly for the PVA, but the Right Extruder (PLA) still oozes while the Left is printing the supports, which results in an additional support structure outside my object.
I’d love any help you can give. I’ve spent probably the last 2 hours messing with print settings and such to try and nail this down. I’d love to print with PVA since it’s water soluble but it’s like going 2 steps forward 1 step back with this stuff.
It’s MatterHackers brand PVA filament with the FlashForge brand PLA. When I print with just PLA this thing prints phenomenally. Can’t complain. I love this printer. I just can’t nail down the PVA stuff.