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Oct 2016

Last night I received a couple of orders at 1.30am. Not surprisingly I was asleep at that time and unable to respond until the morning, but obviously my response time for these orders was very poor. Am I missing something? Is there an option somewhere to provide hours “out of office” while still accepting orders?

Seems there should be some kind of message to clients that says “The hub may not respond as quickly as normal since it’s the middle of the night!”

  • created

    Oct '16
  • last reply

    Oct '16
  • 9


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I’m interested in this as well. I noticed that when I get an order in the middle of the night, I’ll get the notifications in the morning at 8am. I was hoping that this is when the response time clock starts ticking, but who knows?


Hey cobnut,

This has been brought up quite a few times by different with different wording in the last few months.

A common request was to have a hub opening and closing times. You can request a feature like this on the site. It should keep your response time at a high standard. This way 3D hubs can review the problem and come back to you with a decision/ recommendations.

It would definitely be a useful feature.

Hope this helps.

I was thinking about this also. How does the response time work? I hadn’t thought to search this out yet.

I have noticed this too, but it seems that clock still ticks even though we don’t get notified until 8am. Clock shouldn’t tick until we get the notification.

Hi @GIFT3D thanks. It’s not really about an opening or closing time - the orders received could quite easily be processed within my usual timeframe and I’m not sure it’s a good idea to give a potential customer the idea that you may not be able to fulfill their order (no matter how inaccurate that idea might be). For example, if I set a “closing time” of 9pm, I might lose customers to another hub that had no closing time posted, even though in reality we’d both only start printing the next morning.

It’s more simply about factoring these hours into the response time, both making some adjustment to how it affects your average and perhaps warning the customer that a response may not be as rapid due to the hour.

I’ll look to see if any feature requests of this nature have been submitted and, if not, will create one.

Hey @cobnut and everyone else - indeed, this is a topic that’s been brought up many times and is on our agenda to address very soon! That being said, this is something that doesn’t affect your response rate too much as we always take into account your fastest response times. Rest assured that this is something we’re working on here at 3D Hubs :slight_smile:

i have my “normal” response hours in the hub description. i will check for orders before i go to bed and again when i get up

the hours stated in the description varies very little from what is actual.

but yes… the 8 hours during sleep is interesting.

since the response time is avg. it will become less a “problem” the more orders you have

but hmm still an interesting topic

Great!! This is a feature that I too have been requesting for quite some time! As a hub that doesn’t get many orders, my “average” is easily affected. (See some of the below comments). Any way to factor sleep into the response time would be awesome!