Yeah with new tanks they’ve removed the “spout” in the corner that was creating a weak spot, now the tank is the same thickness in all corners so shouldn’t have the cracking issue.
Also (in case you have old ones still yet to use) try to lift the black lid off vertically, rather than tilting up from the front. This seems to be what often causes the cracking.
For me the protective lid was breaking the trays. I trimmed the outer part away from the back and half the sides and haven’t cracked one since. Didn’t cut the top, just the outside.
There is a known issue with the “spout corner” cracking and pieces of plastic breaking off. There have been a few temporary fixes, such as adding strong tape to the outside of that corner. You can also buy resin tanks from another company, 10
I’ve had this problem, what a mess! FormLabs considers those tanks as disposable, and they recommend changing them every few liters of resin, which no one does (unless you’re made of money). I’ve searched for other solutions, but have yet to find a good alternative. Seems like once they start breaking it’s truly time to replace.
For these old tank , empty and clean it . Then put some resin on the corner and expose to UV or sun by protecting the silicone layer tank . The resin which solidifies on the cornre of tank. Then you can use it for new printing.
Can confirm, new tanks are cracking too, it is definitely worth to shoot a few photos and open a support ticket.
Photo attached about the last one of mine, that was ordered in November and lasted for half a bottle.
I got a discount from Formlabs to replace the old tanks. (75 dollars)
When they arrived, i could see they are REV4 but they look exacly the same.
so they probably will crack to as @3DForm said.
I’ve checkt the ZVATs from Zak, but they are pretty expensive.
Check the image on their website. It Shows a complete different tank.
I’d say, don’t worry about it. I usually order 2-3 more than what I need. So when they crack, I still have enough tanks to use and I can be relaxed when reporting it to Formlabs. I have seen people using tapes to strengthen the tanks, but I wouldn’t go that far.
The worst thing though, if the resin starts leaking and finds a way into the printer. I happened to clean it once from behind the galvo block. What I’m concerned about, if a brand new tank breaks and ruins a machine that is out of warranty.
thanks for the talk. We are reselling these glass vats of zvatindustries here in Europe. If you are interested check out some further info of the spec here 12.
These very durable and resistant glass vats are a great benefit for lowering operation and maintenance cost for your SLA printer.