Earlier this month the 3DHubs team was kind enough to share multiple 3D scanners with our Lansing community so we could try our hands at digitizing our world. We featured the Structure Sensor for iPad, Fuel3D’s Scanify, 3D Systems Sense, Makerbot Digitizer and even a Roland CMM.
I gave a short presentation on 3D scanning basics. I was really excited to host this event as scanning is something I am actively interested in.
Attendees were eager to get started as many brought objects to see how they would fare in the digitization process.
The Structure sensor was quite popular with it’s easy to use interface and the freedom to roam.
One of our community members brought his Kinect and was excited to get started scanning on his own.
We’re very fortunate to have such an active and engaged community here in Lansing. Combined with this new technology and 3D Hubs it will be exciting to see what new things are made here.
Joe Carr
3D Hubs Mayor Lansing
Nov '15last reply
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